Our Purpose

The purpose of the Association is to restore and maintain the dignity of the University of Nigeria Pharmacist and to foster in its alumni and friends the feeling of pride, affection and goodwill towards the university.

The Association shall fulfill these purposes by galvanizing the alumni and friends of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences University of Nigeria in North America under one organization which shall promote and facilitate the achievement of the objectives and programs of both the parent Alumni Association and the university, encourage the proud participation and shared sense of responsibility among the alumni to support both the Association and the University through collective and individual giving. The Association shall also promote and enhance opportunities for networking among former students, current students, friends, faculty and staff of the university.

Special Meetings

Special meetings of Association members.

for any purpose may be called by the national President through the Secretary at the request in writing of a simple majority of the Executive CommitteeThe request shall state the purpose of the proposed meeting. Business transacted at any special meeting shall be limited to the subject matter stated in the call.


Electoral Committee.

A committee of three members who are not running for any office during that election shall be appointed by the Board of Directors at least 3 months before the Convention in an election year,

Please NOTE

UNNPAA’s 501(c)3 status, to provide financial stability and resources it needs to achieve its localized goals and objectives. Each chapter shall submit to the Association each year a summary of its past year's activities and a financial statement approved by its membership.